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Youth Voice in Strategic Change - Booklet and Poster (2023) 

"A booklet and supporting poster have been developed aiming to support strategic leaders to enact the Practice Principle focussed on respecting the voice, experience and expertise of children and young people. The resources contain a series of key messages and a ‘call to action’, illustrating how to meaningfully include children and young people in strategic-level change. The key messages were developed through a review of existing literature, learning from the Tackling Child Exploitation programme, interviews with senior leaders responsible for youth voice work in their organisations and most importantly in consultation with children and young people. The final outputs were designed by a young creator.
Recognising the importance of youth participation involves listening to, responding to, learning from and acting on children and young people’s views and ideas. By doing this, strategic leaders can provide support and safeguarding services with the potential for meaningful, wide-reaching benefits for individuals, organisations and communities. A child-centred approach to participation provides opportunities for children and young people to exercise control and choice. This is a powerful and practical way of inverting the coercion and manipulation associated with child exploitation and some forms of extra-familial harm. 

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